David Kasper grew up in South Jersey spending his early years working in the family drive-in restaurant. High school sports basketball and baseball and varsity debating.
College years at Marshall University where he excelled at speech and debating with volunteer work coaching basketball at a local youth league.
After college, years working for an industrial supply company, designing variable frequency drives for winder machines, selling air compressor systems and pumps. Later I became an electrical motor and controls specialist.
Moved to New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona with my own company working with the Zuni, Navajo and Hopi nations in energy efficiency. Converting hospitals and schools to more efficient lighting and HVAC products while keeping them supplied with PPE products during the pandemic.
I continue to work with Navajo and Hopi today.
Intermingled with my work life has been seven years volunteering overseas (Honduras, Lesotho (southern Africa Peace Corps) and China.
Married my lovely wife in China who was an English teacher in Xinjiang.
Now settled in Felton, I use my knowledge to help organizations in Delaware and Maryland become more energy efficient.
pride ourselves on our adaptability and commitment to excellence in every aspect of our service. Explore what we have to offer and how we can contribute to your success.
Our approach is focused on understanding your needs and providing practical solutions. From personalized consultations to hands-on assistance.
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